Causes of Back Pain

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Wondering why you suffer back pain??

People experience back pain for all sorts of reasons. It might be the way you sit or stand, or because your work or lifestyle causes stress and strain on your back. Worry or stress can also cause tension in the back muscles, or can delay recovery of existing back pain. Sometimes an old injury, or wear and tear over time, might also cause problems.

Although it can be very painful, back pain rarely has a serious underlying cause. Seeing a qualified health professional, such as a chiropractor, who is specialised in diagnosing conditions of the back and spine, can help identify and treat the cause of your back pain, and also identify if a referral or specialist investigations such as x ray (onsite x-ray present) or more rarely MRI are needed.

Back pain can be very painful due to inflammation and muscle spasm, and you may need to take it easy for a while. But resting for more than a day or two does not usually help, and may actually do more harm than good. It is best to try to keep moving and seek the advice of a chiropractor, if you are finding it difficult to cope, or to speed up recovery.

Find out more… video courtesy of the British Chiropractic Association

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    Gorey Family Chiropractic Clinic Ltd
    Railway road, Gorey, Co. Wexford, Ireland.

    05394 83338